Hi everyone! How are you today?
Glad to meet you again to learn and enrich our English competency 😊
Sebelum kita mulai pembelajaran hari ini, tentu saja kita berdo'a terlebih dahulu agar kegiatan belajar mengajar kita mendapatkan berkah Allah SWT, aamiin
Please get ready!
Alright, last lesson we learned about Rooms in the house, and this session we will learn about Things in the house.
1. Things in the Living room.
- Sofa = Sofa - Lamp = Lampu
- Television = TV - Frame = Pigura
- Table = Meja - Window = Jendela
- Vase = Jambangan bunga
2. Things in the Bedroom.
- Bed = Tempat tidur - Cupboard = Lemari
- Lamp = Lampu - Blanket = Selimut
- Mirror = Cermin - Clock = Jam dinding
- Pillow = Bantal
3. Things in the Bathroom.
- Closet = WC - Shower = Pancuran air
- Toothbrush = Sikat gigi - Toothpaste = Pasta Gigi
- Soap = Sabun - Tap = Keran air
- Pail = Ember - Scoop = Gayung
4. Things in the Kitchen.
- Knife = Pisau - Bowl = Mangkuk - Kettle = Teko
- Glass = Gelas - Cup = Cangkir - Pan = Panci
- Frying pan = Penggorengan - Stove = Kompor - Spatula = Sodet
- Mixer = Pengaduk adonan - Refrigerator = Kulkas - Rice cooker = Penanak nasi
- Tea Pot = Teko teh - Napkin = Serbet - Sink = Bak Cuci Piring
That's all for today, if you have any questions about the lesson, you can ask me by whatsapp chats. Please do the task 5 on page 26 and send the photo to my WA number @082112992755 😊💪
Let's end the lesson with istighfar and kafaratul majlis du'a.
أستغفر الله
أستغفر الله
أستغفر الله
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